In addition to Kelly's birthday festivities (please see previous post), I also got to grab dinner with Same and Addie at Casa Grande. I even got to go by Addie's house and see Father David, Jennifer, and Emily :) I haven't seen them in forever, so it really was a treat! I enjoy catching up with people who have meant so much to me; it brings me a unique sort of happiness :)
Lastly, I finished the Hunger Game series today. I will not leak any spoilers or anything, but I do want to have a tiny tangent. Okay, so books one and two blew my mind. It was all I could do to put them down, and as soon as I finished them I darted to Target to purchase the next one. Unfortunately, the ending of Mockingjay left me discomforted and no where near satisfied
Also, the Twilight wall no longer pervades my room! There are still a few posters, but their presence isn't overwhelming as they once were, haha. I might post pictures tomorrow, we'll see! Goodnight loves!
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