Thursday, January 26, 2012

I've got my priorities.

I may not do my reading for class. I might wait until the last minute to do writing assignments. I might sit in TDU all day long relaxing and hangout when I could be studying. I may not have the most motivation of any student in the world... But, let me tell you what I do have here at JMU: loving and supportive friends.

We talked about what a community of God looks like tonight at small group, and, from where I'm standing, I am a part of some pretty incredible examples! I have sisters who never cease to love me. They hold me when I cry, pray for me when I'm overwhelmed, and rejoice with me in my excitement. They're the people I tell things to first, and they encourage me in all of my endeavors! I have a small group that genuinely cares about me. They help carry my burdens, empathize with me, lift me up in prayer, and offer me reassurance. Even the girls that don't know me very well offer to meet my needs. Both of these groups are centered on Christ, and that, truly, is where the beauty emerges! Where else would one find such compassion and sacrificial love? Nowhere.

I am blessed, and I will not lose sight of that. When I'm down, I have people to have me rise. These are people whom I love and care for very much. They are my community; they are my sisters. They are my priority here. I may be paying for an academic education, but I will take away so much more than that. My priority is friends first, schoolwork second. Perhaps for some that seems askew. From where I stand, however, the needs of others come before my own, and that includes my "need" to do those written assignments or study or read. I will love others as Christ loved me, and as He loves them. That is what I strive for, and that is where my prioritization stems.

I love you all! Goodnight.


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