Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Timeless Hope

After Stephanie dropped me off at my dorm this morning, I immediately started rushing to get ready. I put real clothes on, straightened my hair, made sure I had everything together, shoved some breakfast down my throat, quickly put some gas in the car, picked up Hannah, and we were on our way to Richmond by 1 o'clock! We stopped by my house, where Hannah took a short little nap, before meeting up with Julie for a Starbucks date! That was enjoyable :) And I was so glad that there wasn't any sort of awkwardness, despite the fact that Hannah and Julie had never met. That made me very happy inside :) And it was really cool because Julie is also a distant SAO sister! Yay for common bonding ground! From there, I delivered Heather some green tea with honey before Hannah and I went to Champ's for some dinner. Now you may be wondering why exactly this endeavor to Richmond occurred in the first place. Well, I shall tell you why...


Although it's sad not being able to be in the show, it made me so happy to see so many people I love up on that stage using their talents to bring glory to God. Their singing/dancing/acting/performing is done so that others can be poured into and come to learn more about Jesus Christ, and they do so wholeheartedly with every ounce of their energy. It is so breathtaking to watch, and I cannot begin to describe the joy and pride that welled up in my heart while watching this show. My youth loves singing and dancing their hearts out with the biggest smiles on their faces, sounding so awesome and looking so incredible. My dearest friends dancing so beautifully, singing so wonderfully, and miraculously pushing through the exhaustion I know that they were enduring. I admire them so much, and they truly are my biggest inspiration. These amazing individuals are my family, each and every one of them. Just being with them brings me such a peace, a feeling of love and of joy. Being in WEAG tonight I was one again struck with a truth that I have realized countless times before: When I am here, I am home. Tonight was incredible. Were it possible, I would repeat it one thousand times over :) I love you all! Goodnight.


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