Hello there :) This is going to be another one of those doozies that spans over two days. Please bear with me, friends!
Friday was Christmas Eve Eve! Hooray! I started my day with lunch at Fizzle Gizzle with Nikki :) I do love getting together with her and discussing many aspects of our sometimes crazy lives. We chatted over burgers and a thing of fries that we can never quite seem to finish. Haha. Afterwards, while she grabbed some Stizz, she opened her present, which she seemed to like a great deal :) Have I already mentioned that I love it when people are happy/excited about a gift? Because I really do :) Once we went our separate ways, I delivered Julie her present and then came back to my house for a bit before Elsbeth came over to exchange gifts :) Look at what she made!
I think it is SO beautiful :) I absolutely LOVE it!
From there, it was time for my tradition Christmas Eve Eve sleepover with my beautiful best friend and my 'adoptive' family :) Heather, Mama Tobz, Papa Tobz, and myself enjoyed a delicious dinner of cheese fondu before MT & PT went to pick up Adam. Whilst they were away, Heather and I watched The Help (which is SUCH a good movie, I must say!). The movie ended right around when everyone got back, so it was time to make the chocolate expresso fondu! Twas scrumptious! We still managed to have some left over, but it wasn't nearly as much as we did last year. So that, my friends, is improvement! Heather and I chatted in front of the fire until it was officially Christmas Eve, which marked present time! Heather was so excited, it was great :) She loved her gifts, and I certainly do love mine!

The sparkly flowery hair clip almost made me cry. You see, I had the other clip that came with that one (Heather had given it to me in a package last year), but I lost it about two weeks ago when it must have fallen out of my ID holder :( So for Heather to give me hers, to me it was the sweetest thing. That may not make sense to some... but it really did mean a lot to me.
After waking up and getting presentable, I had brunch with my beloved Tobz's :) Sarah and Adam were both there too, which just made things even better :) I was absolutely delicious, and I was so happy to be in such wonderful company! Not long after, I found a present that Mama Tobz had gotten for me.
She really is far too sweet.
I hung out for a little while afterwards until it was time to head on home. I ended up falling asleep on the sofa for quite a while until it was time for Christmas Eve Communion Service! I had never been before, but it really touched me that Heather's family invited me to partake with them. They may never truly know how much it means to me for them to include me like that, but I am so thankful that I didn't have to be there alone<3
After departing church, I delivered Kim's present to her house before going over to Candice's. I went there to borrow a dress, and ended up being fed dinner as well-- some of the cooked sea bass that David had caught and seasoned potatoes, yum! Those two goobers make me laugh :) Since being home, I've mostly just been hanging out with Jenn :) The Teen Mom 2 marathon was on TV, and even though I am not fond of that show, I was happy to being spending some time with my little sister :) I ran into her room when it became officially Christmas and jumped on her bed... I think it freaked her out. Haha.
Well, I think I have drawn this out enough. Merry Christmas, dear friends :) Talk to you soon!