Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Facing trials.

Something we talked about quite a bit in small group tonight was how to address trials in our life     whether that be stress, obstacles, a to-do list or what-have-you. In looking at {Colossians 1:9-12}, we discussed how we need to confront such trials, and life in general, with patience, endurance, and joy as can only be provided by the Lord. Having also referred to {James 1:2-3}, it had me thinking... This applies to the past, present and future.

Looking at our past and seeing the reaped benefits of previous struggles is a fairly simple task. Even through the anticipation of trials to come, it is easy to assure yourself that in the end it will all have been worth it. Why is it, then, than facing present struggles with joy, endurance, and patience is so hard? Why is it difficult to maintain a mindset that is trusting in the Lord when the world hurls stressors at you? There are benefits and blessings to be reaped here and now. Our God is not one of the strictly past or future. Our God is alive today     every second of every minute. Not a day goes by that we are left to handle the world alone. And not a second passes that He isn't working to shape and mold your heart into one that reflects His. Therefore we must push through the neglect and ignorance and open ourselves up as a temple of His Spirit     allowing ourselves to be transformed into physical embodiments of His love, grace, and strength.

Just for funsies, I thought I'd synopsize my thoughts in meme version :)

We look at current trials like this:

But God wants us to see His constant work and benefits, so He's like this:

And when we allow God to be truly present within ourselves, He guides us to wisdom and understanding like this:

(Images courtesy of #whatshouldwecallme.)

Goodnight loves!


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