Sunday evening, the 23rd, we had our Bid Night! And I am SO proud/happy to say that we have 15 beautiful new candidates to make up our Epsilon class! EEEEEEP!
The Epsis with their Candidate Mentor, Beth!
Me and my Epsi Little, Raven!
Me with my Little (Hannah) and Grand-Little, Katie!
The Young Family tree is growing, y'all!
Kelly and Tori are both candidates! Bahh! So much love :)
For those who may not know, Kelly is one of my closest friends, and a part of my church family from back home. And I've known Tori since I was in 8th grade and she was in 6th. We did dance team together at Moody, and I was her "Pippy" :)
I cannot wait to grow closer to these girls, learn about their lives, and establish life-long bonds :) Lord knows they'll be seeing plenty of me, since I plan on essentially stalking their candidate classes... Teehee! I mean hey, if I'm going to pursue the position of Candidate Mentor next year, I need to study-up!
Anywho, I am so very excited to see the growth that is happening in our chapter! We currently have approximately 17 active sisters, meaning that we've just essentially
doubled in size! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! And while I'm nervous about adequately balancing my time between my Delta Little, Epsilon Little, and my new Grand-Little, I know that God's hand is in every relationship. His Spirit will unite us as sisters in Christ, and daughters of the Holy King :) Thanks, Jesus! Amen.
In closing: Gammas, we have grown and changed so much in two years!
I love you girls! I am so blessed to be able to share my life and walk with Christ with you all. You have definitely been an anchor and a stronghold for me, and I could never adequately express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Though our numbers and dynamic have changed, the support, encouragement, and love has remained constant; thank you for that! Y'all are truly a gift :)
Goodnight all!