Friday, September 28, 2012

Kernel panic.


So, once upon a time in my Social Policy class, my computer started looking like this:

This... is what Apple Geniuses call "Kernel Panic."
Actually, it looked like this PLUS little pink lines all across the screen... SCARY!

I went to the Blue Ridge Apple store, and they told me I'd have to go 1.5-2 weeks without my laptop. NO WAY! I have so much due next week! Solution: take it to Apple headquarters. Where? Short Pump. BAM! Can you say, spontaneous road trip?! Yessir. I hopped on the interstate and made my way on home, where my new BFF Michael fixed my computer and had it ready for me to take home in less than 2 hours time :) It now is restored to this:

I didn't lose a single file!

Thank you, Mike! And while he worked his magic, my mom treated me to some California Pizza Kitchen for dinner :) So yummy! I even got to see my dad for a bit tonight :) Just to see him and hug him was a wonderful thing; he gives some of the best hugs :)

In other news, I had my first Grand-big/Grand-little date today!!! It was so great; I love Katie! She is so sweet, and we just mesh super well, I think :) A plus: She too had a wonderful appreciation for old Disney shows (i.e. Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven, Even Stevens). Oh, and Spongebob too :) Bahh! I am so happy to have her in my fam. I got so wrapped up in our conversation that I was almost late for class! But never fret, I was right on time :)

Well loves, I am feeling called to slumber in my queen-sized bed :) Goodnight!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We have Epsilons!!!

Sunday evening, the 23rd, we had our Bid Night! And I am SO proud/happy to say that we have 15 beautiful new candidates to make up our Epsilon class! EEEEEEP!

The Epsis with their Candidate Mentor, Beth!

Me and my Epsi Little, Raven!

Me with my Little (Hannah) and Grand-Little, Katie! 

The Young Family tree is growing, y'all!

Kelly and Tori are both candidates! Bahh! So much love :)
For those who may not know, Kelly is one of my closest friends, and a part of my church family from back home. And I've known Tori since I was in 8th grade and she was in 6th. We did dance team together at Moody, and I was her "Pippy" :)

I cannot wait to grow closer to these girls, learn about their lives, and establish life-long bonds :) Lord knows they'll be seeing plenty of me, since I plan on essentially stalking their candidate classes... Teehee! I mean hey, if I'm going to pursue the position of Candidate Mentor next year, I need to study-up!

Anywho, I am so very excited to see the growth that is happening in our chapter! We currently have approximately 17 active sisters, meaning that we've just essentially doubled in size! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! And while I'm nervous about adequately balancing my time between my Delta Little, Epsilon Little, and my new Grand-Little, I know that God's hand is in every relationship. His Spirit will unite us  as sisters in Christ, and daughters of the Holy King :) Thanks, Jesus! Amen.

In closing: Gammas, we have grown and changed so much in two years!

I love you girls! I am so blessed to be able to share my life and walk with Christ with you all. You have definitely been an anchor and a stronghold for me, and I could never adequately express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Though our numbers and dynamic have changed, the support, encouragement, and love has remained constant; thank you for that! Y'all are truly a gift :)

Goodnight all!

The Fishbowl.

So, I realized that in my hiatus I never showed what my new home looks like! And while I have not/will not capture every single room in photograph form, I would like to display my primary living quarters :)

First, the living room!

My cork-board is actually being used!

This is where a majority of our homework, goofing off, socializing, and heart-to-hearts take place. It's a cozy little space :)

Then, my bedroom!

 Heather, your artwork is hanging proudly!

 Juliana put forth some artistic input in this project!

 I spy, Paolo!

 This curtain serves as my closet door :)

 The wall above my bed :) Another "thank you" to Jules for helping me select and organize photos!

Jenn's artwork! (The lighting mildly distorts the color quality of these.)

I've been told it has a very serene feeling about it :) I think I'm prone to agree! I'm pretty sure the color scheme is what does it :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Facing trials.

Something we talked about quite a bit in small group tonight was how to address trials in our life     whether that be stress, obstacles, a to-do list or what-have-you. In looking at {Colossians 1:9-12}, we discussed how we need to confront such trials, and life in general, with patience, endurance, and joy as can only be provided by the Lord. Having also referred to {James 1:2-3}, it had me thinking... This applies to the past, present and future.

Looking at our past and seeing the reaped benefits of previous struggles is a fairly simple task. Even through the anticipation of trials to come, it is easy to assure yourself that in the end it will all have been worth it. Why is it, then, than facing present struggles with joy, endurance, and patience is so hard? Why is it difficult to maintain a mindset that is trusting in the Lord when the world hurls stressors at you? There are benefits and blessings to be reaped here and now. Our God is not one of the strictly past or future. Our God is alive today     every second of every minute. Not a day goes by that we are left to handle the world alone. And not a second passes that He isn't working to shape and mold your heart into one that reflects His. Therefore we must push through the neglect and ignorance and open ourselves up as a temple of His Spirit     allowing ourselves to be transformed into physical embodiments of His love, grace, and strength.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Stephanie Marie and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Month...

Yes, I will admit that there's a bit of melodrama there. But, as many of you have noticed, I haven't posted in approximately a month's time. Sleep has prevailed over writing. Stress has trumped relaxation. And a giant to-do list has masked true priorities. A few people have asked me where I've been (in regards to the blogging world). Some have mentioned missing shared wisdom, others the ongoings of my day-to-day life, and others just my posting in general. For you all, I shall be completely honest....

I haven't felt very wise, and I have not felt that peace of mind that's needed to really reflect on the significance of life happenings. The constant upkeep with my September schedule and transitioning back into school has left me deprived of quiet time, and there's a serious barrier being built up in my heart with the relationship that matters most. Stress has consumed me to the point where I have broken down, basked in bitterness, and been rude to people I love. Despite the countless offers of assistance, I bore more burden than I should have      not willing to share the load for fear of dissatisfaction. And now that the insanity is coming to its conclusion, I'm left feeling slightly hollow. Everything that I let overrun my life for the past month has come and gone. Now what? Well, I have quite the shambles to pick up, and I know it. Because despite the excitement that has also come along with September, I was too caught up in anxiety to enjoy it. However, I will take a moment to highlight a few things, just so you all can be assured that I'm not on hermit-status.

  • My housemates are wonderful, and the transition into the Fishbowl has been a synch.
(First night completely reunited: middle school rap dance-sesh!)
  • My sisters and I had a wonderful time on our retreat; we are all a bunch of 5 year-olds.
(There were no handles on those see-saws!)
  • Recruitment is now finished! (Praise!) We have 15 potential candidates (or biddies, haha!). The Epsilon bid ceremony is next Sunday :) I could potentially be getting another Little. But I am appropriately not a first priority for that, and it's completely in God's hands!
(Facebook advertising.)

(Student Org Night trifold.)
  • Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month has kept my sorority busy as well, but we still make room for fun :)
(Video made for Cancer Dancer!)
  • My sisters and I have this newly-established fascination with turning each other into landsharks ;)
    • Profanity warning!
  • I got to skype with Sarah and Margaret (distant SAO sisters at UGA) last night! That made me so happy :) Truly, distance cannot defy friendship.

I do hope to get back on track with my posting habits. Just please bear with me as I get through this month. After all, I'm really only half way there.

I love you all! And if you're one of my RVA loves, I miss you more than I can express! Goodnight.