Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mom and Dad.

My mind has been thinking a lot recently about my parents, and how much I really should appreciate them. (I'm not saying that I don't appreciate them currently, but they could always be shown more gratitude and love.) I was thinking one day about how much I love my youth kids     how much they mean to me and how I would do anything for them. My mind then wandered to the future, and I just could not even fathom how much, then, I would adore my own child. And then I stopped, and realized that this is how my mom must view me... And as all of the moments I've sassed or yelled at her vaguely flooded my head, I realize just how hurt and upset that must feel... To have someone you love so much essentially turn their back on you. It was a humbling moment, really.

And with my dad, well let's just say that sometimes just getting his hugs can make a world of difference in my day. He doesn't belittle or judge me when I come to him, 20 years old, crying over the things that stress me out. Sometimes when certain things come on television, and they show a broken father-daughter relationship, I can sense the way he focuses on it, and I realize how hard it must have been for him to go from seeing his three daughters every day, to seeing us roughly three times a week for dinner. My time with my dad is something I definitely took for granted in the past, and I want to make sure that never happens again. Regardless of circumstances, I need/have needed my dad in my life, and I don't know what I would do without him. He loves me, supports me, comforts me, encourages me, and gives me guidance. I love him with all of my heart; I am definitely his daughter.

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."
{Exodus 20:12}


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