Sunday, June 24, 2012

Not just a belief.

Today, when pulling into the parking lot of a restaurant, I saw a license plate that read, "ATHEIST." It was complimented by a sticker that said, "Teach Science." All I could say was "Oh..." As soon as the word escaped my mouth, my dad was quick to retort with a, "Hey! That their belief." He went on to say a few things about our my belief was mine, theirs was theirs, etc. There's just one thing that really irked me... and it was hearing my faith referred to as a belief. Yes, I believe in God. And yes, I believe that Christ died for me so that I may live forever with Him. But that isn't mere belief, it is Truth. Capital "T." That little righteous anger that churned in my stomach was only affirmation of that. My faith defines my life     how I live, the things I do, how I think, who I am. This Truth is my cornerstone, the rock upon which I have built myself around. A belief? Mere religion? No. The glory of God is too evident     His grace too tangible, His love too captivating, and His miracles too irrefutable. He is Truth.

On Choir Tour, a few people were confronted with the question, "How am I supposed to know that your Jesus is real?" Well, if ever there were a testament, it would be 70 teenagers standing on bleachers in the middle of a parking lot in the Alabama heat, shouting praises and worshiping Jesus with radiating passion. Their hearts are not singing to a fictitious character. They are not narrating a fantasy tale. This tour was a proclamation of their faith, an opportunity to depict and share the power and glory of Jesus Christ    the Truth of the Gospel and what it means for us.

What we as Christians believe, is true. For the Truth is unmistakable and undeniable.

"Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation."
{2 Peter 1:20}

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness[.]"
{2 Timothy 3:16}

Although my father may be be slow to defend me, and he may jump more quickly to aid the beliefs of others, I have a Father that lives in and through me. He shields me with His armor, and I am never sent to battle alone. Praise for that, dear friends!


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