Wednesday, May 23, 2012

BIG NEWS! Ready, go!

1) I GOT A JOB TODAY! Yes, I was officially hired by the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners :) I know, everyone's been saying that it's kind of random... But hey! A job is a job, and I'm not going to argue with earning $10 an hour for secretary work. I. Am. Excited! And thankful! Oh so very thankful! Thank you, Jesus; and thank you to all who were praying for me :)

2) I GET TO GO ON CHOIR TOUR!!! I didn't think they would let me off for a whole week, but they did! I get to go and help my beloved youth minister to people in Georgia and Alabama! My elation goes beyond words! It's true what Jeremy preached in service on Sunday: Your career and our calling don't have to be the same thing, but you should never let your job stand in the was of going where God is trying to send you. I will serve the youth group I love so dearly, and I will work along side of them to serve God in ministering to others. Huzzah!

3) FAITH AND OUR TESTIMONY ARE CRUCIAL IN WITNESSING TO THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN CHRIST. Faith is key in our ability to truly follow Christ, and our personal story of transformation cannot be proven false. This is big news, not just from today, but for every day. Jamal spoke on this tonight, and it was truly impacting. He has truly been blessed with the ability to share the gospel, and I am so grateful that I have the privilege of benefiting from his leadership. God equips each of us with the told we need to share the love of Christ, we just need to remain humble and obedient to Him.

Goodnight my loves! Tomorrow, I begin my new job!


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