Saturday, February 18, 2012

"I am sixteen going on seventeen...."

"... feeling sexy and freeEE!" Haha; great times with Kelly and Lydia :)

Sorry for the lack of post last night (for those who check-in daily). I didn't have my computer with me. So here's a quick fill-in: After practically sleeping my day away (after having cleaned my room and gotten lunch), I grabbed some dinner before Lydia arrived! We went to large group, where they showed the documentary "Sex + Money" that I saw at Liberty several months ago! Seeing it the second time just as impacting, if not more so, than the first time. There is so much that needs to be done to bring justice to sex trafficking victims in the United States, and I pray that our generation is instilled with a passion to take a stand on behalf of our brothers and sisters, and truly liberate them. After the screening, I was able to introduce myself to/talk with Stephanie Grant from the Shenandoah Justice Initiative, which was awesome! They're trying to establish a student organization on JMU campus, and I hope to be a part of it! T'would be great :) Then, after pit-stopping by my room to gather some things (and shower in my case), Lydia and I headed over to my small group sleepover! We ate "puppy chow," talked/laughed a lot, and watched Say "Yes" to the Dress. Lydia took very well to our group awkwardness/craziness, which I was relieved about. Haha!

Kelly joined the party this morning, and we had a quite a lovely day :) After lunch, we toured campus a bit before having tea time with Hannah and Steph at Earth & Tea :) I love that place. And I love the company I was in :) From there, Lydia, Kelly, and I did some walking around downtown before coming back to campus for dinner. We kept it pretty calm in regards to our night plans. We watched Burlesque, hung out in my room, and are now watching Pocahontas :)

I love these girls :) It's been a wonderful day. And on that note, I shall bid thee adieu! Goodnight loves!


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