Today was wonderful, spent with some of my favorite people on earth :) I got to church a little before 11, and I was greeted so warmly by so many of my loves! In addition to those I got to see last night, I also got to Alex, Chelsea, and Heather! It was so very wonderful! Attack hugs? Of course!!! Heather and I got lunch at Whole Foods, and sat outside while we munched, drank our respective teas, and talked about life. Twas lovely! Afterwards, we took a stroll around Short Pump, complete with trips to Urban and Teavana :) I wish I could express on here how nice it was that I got to spend the afternoon with my best friend; we haven't been able to really do that in approximately two months! I do love her (even if she does yell at me for be indecisive... Haha)!
When we got back to church, I got to see even more loves! I was so happy to be able to see/hug Kaitlyn and Nikki :) I have missed them so much! Juliana, Kaitlyn, and I watched Nikki and John's choreography sesh for a little while. Those two are so great, for real :) Before I left, I sat with Marin and we talked for at least half an hour. She is such a sweetheart, and I love her to death! We talked about school, family, church, technology, why the theory of evolution is false.... Yeah, we covered a lot of topics :) I am definitely hanging out with her more often when I come home! She's great :)
Upon returning home, my mother and I addresses my car's defective rear-defrost. We may have figured out a way to ghetto-rig it, but we'll find out for certain tomorrow. I went and grabbed myself some dinner (everyone else had eaten), and Kelly came over soon after I got back to my house :) After I hung up my numerous laundry items (it took a while), we went upstairs to YouTube Jenna Marbles and watch John Tucker Must Die. Good stuff, haha :) We paused mid-movie so that I could talk to Luke (aka Kuz-Kuz) on the phone for a little bit; it's always nice to hear from him! Elsbeth came over a little later, and the three of us laid on my bed and just talked for a good while. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I love those girls :) We can talk about light, serious, stupid, or humorous topics, it doesn't matter. I love that about them.
And now, I am sitting here at 4am typing this when I have to wake up in about 6 hours. Yay.... I love that I come home and don't get any more sleep than I do at school. Haha. Eeeeep! I am so excited to be going to my WEAG SUnday service tomorrow!!! It has been far too long! Goodnight all :)
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