I saw
this documentary tonight at Liberty University, and it re-sparked the righteous anger I have towards human trafficking, more specifically sex trafficking in women and children. Ana the whole time I was watching it I couldn't help but think... I am
so blessed to be living in the situation and lifestyle I live in. The statistic is that 1 in 4 girls with be sexually abused by the age of 18. I have never once been a victim of that. I have not been molested, kidnapped.... No one is abusing or exploiting me. I don't have a home environment that I feel the need to run away from, I do not need to turn to "love" from a stranger out of desperation. I am
blessed. And more than anything, I want to help my sisters in Christ be saved from this lifestyle they're trapped in; I want to give them freedom. They are not criminals. They are victims. Trafficking and prostituting need to be abolished, starting with our own country. So often we we view human trafficking as an exclusively international issue, but it's happening on our very own street corners. That thought is scary, bearing in mind how many young girls and children there are in the world who are at the age of gaining independence, yet still so vulnerable to pimps and predators. Each of these victims could have been me; it still
could be me. Yet God has protected me from it. I wish I had another way to say it, but I am just so humbled and thankful to my Father. And my prayers will ever increase for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are chained by trafficking. God is with them, and I know He is working for their benefit, always.
I am so glad I made the trip to Lynchburg to see this film. It was so worth seeing, and I am so amazed by the hearts of the people who created it. They are promoting awareness of this issue, and they are helping renew the lives of trafficking victims. I hope that one day I can be a social worker that gets to impact the lives of trafficked women and children, whether nationally or globally. God willing, I will be working with the aftercare, rehabilitation, and reintegration of my brothers and sisters back into society. One day, I hope!
I'm also very happy I got to spend time with Kathryn and Elizabeth this evening. Kathryn and I got to talk for a little while in her room, I met some of her friends here, and we picked up Elizabeth for dinner. And, after seeing and hanging out in in Elizabeth's room for a little bit, Kathryn and I made our way to the screening. We got to see Melisa and Lorraine while we were there also, so that was cool. But yes, this trip was definitely a success. Like I said, I am very glad I decided to embark on this endeavor. Definitely worth it. Sorry that this was a lot of rambling; my mind is a little scattered. Goodnight loves!
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