Early rising is difficult for me. Granted, my definition of "early" is probably different from yours, but yeah... haha. I was greeted by the alarm clock at 8 AM, and I may or may not have hit the snooze button twice. But alas, I had to get myself ready for a full day of dance classes; 9-5 to be exact. We worshiped, balleted, jazzed, and even pointed the day away. Haha, Elizabeth Ratliff could even believe the moon walk on pointe, and she was actually really good at it! Needless to say, though, I am rather sore. I would love a back massage right now; and for my thighs to tone down the pain level a bit. And this, my friends, is exactly why I need a dance class in my schedule for next year. I've only been out of a dance class for about a month and I feel so out of shape. Workout fail, haha. At any rate, I was outta there at 5; at which point I came home and showered, half-napped, and then went and got Panera to-go with Jenn. We've been enjoying the Hills marathon that's going on on MTV; good stuff indeed. I just can't imagine having a camera following me every second of every day; having every fight, breakdown, and controversy exposed. It's just craziness. On a separate note, I think my lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on my body. I've just been feeling really, physically exhausted the past few days, and I don't like it. And with Brazil only 6 days away, I am going to be praying for some extra energy.
Philippians 4:13 (New Living Translation)
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Ah... Well, tomorrow is going to be even earlier, so I should probably catch some Zs. I love you all very much! Goodnight :)
LOL!!!! Love the title!
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