Coughing, sneezing, sniffling; story of my life today. My voice sounds rather manly, and my eyes feel like they're swollen and droopy. I almost asked my mom to let me stay home today, but I remembered that I had a stats quiz :/ I can't find my headphones anywhere, ang that makes choreography class a little difficult. Not to mention that I had zero energy, so I did a lot of marking today. I got a scholarship to JMU that's worth $11,000! I'll be getting it over four years as long as I keep my GPA at a 3.0 or higher :) So exciting! I went to 1822 (against the better judgment of my mom and Elizabeth), and it was okay. I didn't realize there wasn't going to be worship or a sermon, but hanging out is always fun! I'll tell you what though, Nathan and Jonathan are so ridiculous, haha. Anytime I see them they call me beautiful or tell me that they love me; kind of awkward, not going to lie. Nathan went so far as to tell me that he's going to kill my future boyfriend/husband so that we can be together.... Oh.... Oh! But yeah, now Nyczepir has jumped on the bandwagon; deary me. What ever shall we do with these crazy boys? On a different not, I got a slap in the face from reality today. My AP tests are NEXT WEEK; this coming monday and tuesday to be exact. I'm scared about government. I honestly feel like I haven't learned anything and I'm debating whether or not to even study. Ugg boots, I pray I get through this next week and a half with at least a small dosage of sanity. I'm so excited to see all of you tomorrow night! You have NO idea!!!! Love, love, and more LOVE!!!!
congrats on your scholarship! that's awesome!
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