So, I went to sleep around 1:30 this morning; only to then wake up to a 6:45 alarm. I walk down my hallway an am informed by my sister that there is no earlybird this morning. I never got that memo, so I kept getting ready while I tried to find out from my friends whether or not that was true. Well, 7:15 rolls around and I finally get my answer; no earlybird. So naturally, I crawl back into bed for an extra 30 minutes of sleep. It's kind of bittersweet though; because even though I got an extra half hour of sleep, had I known this last night, I could have gotten a whole extra hour. Oh well, what can you do... At any rate, school wasn't bad at all today (two days in a row... so crazy)! Of course, I had to have a little Starbucks pick-me-up to start my day off right, and needless to say that it was delicious :) This is going to be quite random, but I really do love my AP Stats teacher; I'm going to see if she wants to have a coffee date or something. She leads Young Life at Hermitage, and I've never been able to really go; but I want to have deep, meaningful conversation with her. I love discussing faith and life with everyone! If I could, I would pour out all of my thoughts, fears, experiences, and ideas with everyone that I love. And my hope would be that they would be willing to do the same. I think that would be lovely, or it would be in my eyes :) Today was a ballet day in dance, and it went much better than expected. We were fortunate enough to have Mr. Will (Will Sterling Walker) teach us today; he only comes in every now and then because of his crazy schedule with the Latin Ballet. I have come to find that he makes ballet not just about technique, but about expression, presence, and self-awareness. That, I believe, is what makes his class more bearable than Finkerbelle's (who technically goes by Mrs. Fink). After school, I had practice for the fashion show (which is at Henrico High, 6pm, thursday, tickets are $5 and have to be bought in advance.... in case you were wondering). It was long, boring, and my feet were in pain from standing in heels for almost two hours. But hey, some things must be done, and I suppose this is one of those cases. I'm kind of excited to see what the piece I'll be wearing looks like, though. All I know is that it's a jewelry piece that goes from shoulder to shoulder (or at least that is what I've been told). Pretty, pretty! Eighteen-22 was fun tonight! I love the fellowship and worship that goes on there. To me, everyone just seems so intent, so focused on God that I don't have to worry about the chaos and distraction that is often at youth group. But don't get me wrong, wednesday nights make me so, so happy; I love it indeed! It's just a different atmosphere; which is great because I can listen and partake at both without the message ever becoming redundant. Oh-sidenote!- I decided that I'm definitely going to JMU! I'm glad that I made a decision, and I think that I am going to be truly happy there. And even though I thought that UVA was where I was headed, I know that God has other plans for me, and I cannot wait to see what's in store for my future! Now I just have to find a roommate! Ah! The concept of a random roommate scares me! Honestly, I'm afraid that I would be put with a hard-core partier who will try to pressure me into drinking, smoking, etc. My other is that I'll be put with someone who just isn't even interested in being friends and ends up hating me. It might sound silly, but I mean, we'll be living together! Oh geez, I don't even know what to do about that right now, haha. Also, I think I'm done with the fact-of-the-day streak after today. Instead, I think I'll start putting thought-provoking-questions (TPQs) at the end of each of my blogs; the intention will be for them to be thought-provoking, anyways. Here we go!
Fact: My laundry hamper is immensely over flowing right now. The amount of clothing that is on top of it is enough to fill a whole other hamper and thensome; it is truly a disturbing sight. I need to stop putting it off and just wash some dang clothes, but it keeps taking a back seat to various school, church, and social activities. I need to work on this procrastination habit of mine. Oh well, all in due time I suppose.
TPQ: As Christians, we are always saying that "God is good." And yes, in our eyes he is! But the thing about good and bad is that they are relative terms; one could not exist without the other. We would not be able to label something as being "good" unless there was something else to be labeled "bad." But in the beginning, the very beginning, there was only what God had created. "All That Is was all there was, and so That Which Is Not, was not. And All That Is could not know itself without experiencing That Which Is Not." This quote is a paraphrase of a section from Conversations with God; a book I really need to finish reading. The author, Neil Donald Walsh, also states that, in his conversation with God, he learned that nothing is created to be good or bad; but what we deem good or bad is only made so by our judgment. So my question to you is this: Is God really "good," or is he more? I, personally, think that God cannot and should not be confined to a label; because He is everything! He is in everything! He created Everything! He is everywhere! I don't know how much sense this made, but it's a thought that just happened to cross my mind :)