Saturday, November 3, 2012

A 24-hour RVA dash!

Ello poppets!

As some of you readers know, I am currently home for a brief period of time. Why, you ask? Well, today was Steph's dad's birthday. Thus, while she was already coming home, she wanted to get her hair cut by my dear love, Shelly. And since she wanted me to be there with her, I came along for the ride! We left the Fishbowl at 11:30, and a little before 2 Steph and I arrived at her hair appointment :) Please note the before and after photos:

She cut 10 inches of hair off! Crazy, right?! She's donating it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths :) Proud mom moment, right here (even though I did love her long curly locks)! It's always a good time, donating hair! I'm excited for whenever I get to do that again :) Weeeeeeee!

From there, Steph brought me to my casa, talked to my mom for a bit, and then went on her merry way.  Madre made one of my favorites for dinner: meatloaf :) It's not just any meatloaf that I love; it's hers specifically. She made that, along with baked potatoes, green-beans, and spaghetti squash (which I did try even though I'm not a squash fan... it wasn't too bad). I think my mom gets excited whenever we come home. She likes to go all out :)

And since my dearest Heather was a poor sickling today, I went out after my dinner and got her some tofu pho from Mekong :) She loves the stuff, and I thought maybe it would be a little pick-me-up even though she felt icky. It also gave me the opportunity to see her, and that is ALWAYS a plus :) I do love that girl! I even got to see Elsbeth and Jolyn for a bit, which is always a time in-and-of itself ;)

Well, I am going to do some slumbering now :) I have church family to go surprise in the morning! Goodnight world!